Spring Eqionox Tea & Qi Flow

Sunday, September 22, 2024
55.00 NZD
6:00 - 8:00 PM

Join us for an extended Qigong session combined with one of Sierra's immersive tea ceremony experiences. This Tea & Qi Flow is for practitioners of all levels, and is a way to mark the Spring Equinox, a time of awakening, and rebirth.

At this time of the year we are moving from the darker months into the warmth of the light, which will continue to grow until the Summer Solstice. The gentler yin energy strarts to rise into the "yang" or more energetically vibrant cycle of the year. Hibernation is ending and this time has a fresh and warm energy that can help us to feel alive & inspired.

As we move towards the end of winter we practice softening in resistence as we emerge from the metaphorical "cave" of the colder, introspective season that winter is. At the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a moment of equilibrium in the lentgths of day and night.

As with any time, consciously connecting with the energies of the season can help us to find an easeful sense of balance within, ready for the seeds of ideas and dreams we had in the winter to begin to germinate.



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